Without the help of personal injury attorneys, victims are typically unaware of what their rights are to recovery. Below are five common questions about personal injury claims and the answers to best prepare you.
Do your best to stay calm. If you can, pull over to a safe place and put on your hazard lights. Do not leave the scene of the accident before contacting the police and reporting the accident to allow them time to gather information. Then take notice of your health status. If you sustained an injury, seek medical attention right away which could include an evaluation at the local ER. The longer you wait to seek medical attention for an injury after an accident the more likely it will cause problems for you later if you try to seek compensation for those injuries. Then let your own insurance company know of the accident. And last but not least protect your legal rights by contacting your attorney.
That depends on the facts of each case. By reaching out to a personal injury attorney for assistance, you can receive important guidance on your particular situation. Even if you truly believe your case to be ironclad, it's important to have a professional identify the nuances.
This too depends on the details of your case. Some factors in determining your case's worth include, but are not limited to, the nature and extent of your injuries and potential damages. These damage claims could include past and future pain and suffering, past and future medical expenses, past lost wages, future loss of earning capacity, past and future loss of mind and body. Some of these damages are more difficult to evaluate than others as there is no formula. This is why the perspective of an experienced personal injury lawyer is so valuable. They understand how these factors impact the value of your case.
In Iowa, a lawsuit for personal injury arising from an auto accident must be filed against the driver and owner of the adverse vehicle within two years of the accident. Additionally, there are also other types of claims that can arise out of an auto accident with shorter time limits for these other types of claims. Because there are many important questions that have to be researched and answered before a lawsuit is filed, it is important not to delay seeking the help of a personal injury law firm.
Most personal injury attorneys are paid a fee based on a percentage of the gross recovery the attorney ultimately obtains for you. This is called a "contingency fee" agreement.
Even with these questions answered for you, it's still in your best interest to involve a personal injury lawyer as early as possible for the best results. Contact us at Johnson & Legislador PLC today for assistance in receiving the compensation you deserve.
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